Everything Hunting

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Where its at!

Well, figure I would start some posts of my adventures in the wilds of Texas. I enjoy hunting alot. If there is predation involved I like varmints too. Got a friend who has a ranch and I have got some coyotes with my game caller. Lots of skunks! There is so many skunks at his house that you pretty much can't take a stroll with out encountering one. Plus make a distress call and watch out! I plan on posting lots of photos of animals and just some pretty Texas scenes. So for starters here is a pic of a camp house that I think is a kick-ass house. I have had lots of good times at this place. So, check in and see what I may throw up here. Could be just about anything from cars to deer to......well, anything hunting. Till next time.


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