Day before opening day of dove season
Well, me and two buddies made it out for a practice run with clay doves. We do this every year in preparation for dove season. I'm not the best wing shooter around. If there is a lot of birds I will do good. If the birds are not flying I'm at about 50% which I would like to raise. I do real good on clay at every angle possible, but the real deal is a little harder to hit. Its what makes it more fun anyhow. Ass crack of dawn, drive 30 minutes, set up and sit down..... relax! Now watch the sun come up and say good morning morning! I won't get to do that till Saturday morning cause I got to work. The outdoors is a great place and tranquil setting on a cool Texas morning. If you do it already you understand what I mean. If you have never sat out in the middle of a pasture and watched the sun come up then you are missing out. What I suggest is to go out and find a farmer with a large chunk of land, and ask him if you could fish his pond. Get there early one morning and watch the sun rise. Its nothing like watching from your house or car trust me!

Good morning sunrise photo.

Good morning sunrise photo.
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