Well if you saw some nice deer this year and you didn't shoot them. Your most likely looking forward to next year's rut. This was the first year I based my days out on the moon phase. A guy I work with said it is the hottest point of the rut during a full moon. So really there could be 3 ruts possibly 4, but I tested his method and it seems to be a good tactic. With my slug gun in hand I made for the woods. I can only hunt hogs so I figured hog hunt and practice my whitetail skills. In a previous post I mentioned I saw a good buck and later posted the picture. I hope to see him again this year and get more shots of him. I will leave the house religiously with video camera in hand. I just hope I can hold the damn thing still enough to get a good picture or video of him. I scanned him and zoomed in on him pretty good for a good look of his rack. Enjoy!
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