Deer thru the seasons.

Well-nourished whitetailed bucks begin growing new racks each April. Antlers can grow more than 1/2" per day. If temperatures drop to single digit farenheit, whitetail deer often move during the midday hours. The large ears of whitetail deer can rotate 180 degrees and pick up high frequency sounds. The entire molting process for whitetail deer is gradual, taking several months to complete. From early spring to late summer, a deer's coat transforms from a ragged pelage to a solid deep auburn. When hunting in October, hunters will notice that the whitetail's coat has changed from red to grey. The change occurs quickly, often within one to two weeks. A whitetail's hair appears bluish grey in winter. New hair that grew in during autumn provides whitetails with added insulation. The tips on these new hairs are dark, giving the winter hide its richer hue.
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