Everything Hunting

Monday, July 11, 2005

Rooting Pigs!

Well, my trailcam is always working overtime. Actually he works 24-7-365 which I just get excited about. If I could just get a camera that over looks the whole place I would be in heaven. I have found some things like it on the web but I must first win the Mega millions jackpot to afford it. So here is a random pig picture that I thought was pretty cool. I got lots o pictures of pigs. You may get tired of seeing them before too long. These guys grow fast so I hope they all get big fast so I can take some buddies hunting. Speaking of fast growing. These little piglets grow like wild fire. Those little guys in the bottom right-hand corner are plumping up quick. Here is a better shot of all 7 of these boys in the top left photo. They are pretty cute when little. However adult hood does them no good at all. They will be pretty ugly in about 3 months.


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