Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Night hunt'n hogs!
Night hunting is pretty fun. It can usually be the biggest pay off on bagging you a good hog. Most hogs get pressured into being a nocturnal animals. Daytime hunting pressure will force a hog into changing his patterns. We Got us a pig in November and soon after the hogs disappeared to another area. Upon further investigation we discovered our swine buddies just patterned around us. They had figured out our pattern and shifted to accommodate their feeding habits. Depending on how you choose to hunt, (rifle, bow, Knife), night hunting will pay off. An individual can get relatively close to a good hog with the wind in favor. Wind in favor? What I mean is you need to have the wind blowing the hogs scent to you. Hogs, as in my previous posts, have real poor eye sight. They go off of sound and smell more so than sight. I have snuck up on a hog with in 10 Ft with the wind in favor. Plus a good brisk wind can also muffle your foot steps upon approach. The light really does not bother them too much. I have learned to keep the center of beam away from direct contact to their eyes. If you keep the halo of the light on them they don't mind. The two we took in my previous post were long distance shots with a rifle. We shot them out of a pack of 5 with the old count down 1 2 3 boom!!! He is
also some night shots on a trail that my camera sits on. 

Monday, February 13, 2006

Well, its been cold enough to make sausage so we decided to get some pork. Here is a few good pig shots. These are my buddies who shot these. Sow on the left and boar on the right. We got these on Friday night at a ranch north of Dallas. They were eating in an old corn field. I figure they were between 150 and 175 lbs.